Nayer confesses if she wants to be a mother again and reveals when she will show her baby with Victor Víctor Mesa

The Cuban singer and businesswoman revealed when they will show her baby's face to the public.

The life of the Cuban model and singer Nayer has given a radical change this 2023 becoming a mother for the first time with her husband, the baseball player Victor Victor Mesa. The new parents are happy next to their baby, a boy they have named Victor Victor Mesa Jr., and their followers have wanted to know if another is on the way to expand the beautiful family they have formed.

It was through a round of questions and answers on Instagram where Nayer was asked if another baby was on the way, to which she responded with a negative, but confessing that they plan to have more children in the near future.

Another question asked of the model was when her followers will be able to meet her son, who was born in March. To this question, he responded by assuring that it will be Before the end of 2023, she and her husband will show their son.

"Before the year is over you will know my great love, the greatest blessing that God has given me," Nayer said.

The Cuban couple got married civilly in December of last year and a few months later, in March 2023, they welcomed their firstborn into the world, the baby that all their fans are looking forward to meeting.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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