Victory with Cuban flavor! Djokovic celebrates his new achievement by dancing the Guantanamera

Djokovic celebrates being number one in the world in tennis by dancing and singing the Guantanamera. The tennis player received a trophy for finishing the season at the top of the ranking, this being the eighth time he has achieved it.

The Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic He is number one again to end the 2023 season, this being the eighth time in which a season ends and he is at the top of the circuit ranking. A new and impressive achievement for his career as an athlete that celebrated to the rhythm of the popular Cuban song "Guantanamera" and for which he received a trophy from the Association of Professional Tennis Players.

The 36-year-old athlete received his eighth ATP trophy for this milestone and before leaving to collect it in person, he did not hesitate to show off his best dance steps with a wide smile to the rhythm of the Cuban song to celebrate. A great moment that he published on his social networks, specifically on Instagram, where the winner of 24 Grand Slams It has more than 14 million followers.

Looking at the images, there is no doubt that Novak Djokovic enjoyed this song with his team like never before.

For the Cuban presenter Lili Estefan This fact did not go unnoticed and commented on the tennis player's publication: "Wow, Cuba. Let's go Champ."

Other followers and fans of the tennis player did not hesitate to Congratulate you on your new trophy.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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