They find a human skull in a Santa Clara garbage dump

Experts determined that the skull belongs to a man between 30 and 40 years old.

Patrulla de la policía (referencia) (i) y Calle Estrada Palma en Santa Clara (Imagen de referencia) (d) © Collage Flickr/Kenyh - Flickr/Lezumbalaberenjena
Police patrol (reference) (i) and Estrada Palma Street in Santa Clara (Reference image) (d) Photo © Collage Flickr/Kenyh - Flickr/Lezumbalaberenjena

A human skull was found this Monday in a garbage dump in the Latin American neighborhood, according toconfirmed the official Facebook profile Fuerza del Pueblo.

The aforementioned source described as "rumor" the report spread on networks that what was found was a dismembered body and stressed that,After analysis by Legal Medicine specialists, it was concluded that the skull found belonged to a person who died more than 15 years ago.

The aforementioned report conjectures that the skull"It could have been taken from the cemetery to be used in Santeria work, an activity that is very common in the Condado [distribution]."

According to the publication, specialists from Legal Medicine and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) continue working on the identification of the deceased.

At the moment it has only emerged that the bone remains are from a man between 30 and 40 years old, who died more than a decade ago.

In the final segment of the publication, the official source called not to listen to rumors "that only bring anguish and uncertainty" and "negative feelings that threaten the well-being of the population."

Capture of Facebook/People's Force

However, the official source did not notice that many of the growing complaints of deaths and violent events reported in Cuba only through social networks remain unconfirmed or denied by official sources.

In the comments section of the post,A resident of the neighborhood reiterated the alleged speed with which the authorities intervened after the discovery.

"This was not found in the afternoon, it was found in the morning, and only when I was there around 3 o'clock, an officer who saw the commotion stopped and apparently called someone directly who moved the threads and about the time the police came, they have been reporting since the morning," he said.

Several Internet users speculated about the possible identity of the deceased and pointed out that perhaps it was someone who was reported missing at the time.

"It could be someone missing, my neighbor Luis Machado has been missing for more than 15 years," wrote one woman.

"I believe that what happened was the following: Someone with religious beliefs had the skull in his house. Maybe he died or left the country and the person who went to his house was not religious and threw it away there, not thinking that someone would find it. would find or maybe the person who had it started going to church and discarded his beliefs. These cases tend to happen often," said another resident in Villa Clara.

At the time of this writing there are no other confirmed details about the case.

Theft of skeletal remains for use in religious rituals It is an ancient evil in cemeteries in Cuba.

In recent years, complaints of this type have skyrocketed, coinciding with the increase in all kinds of vandalism in Cuban cemeteries, from the theft of decorative elements and artificial flowers from the vaults to the desecration of coffins.

The macabre discovery in a Santa Clara garbage dump this Monday is not the first of its kind in recent days.

In another even more shocking event, earlier this montha newborn baby was found dead in a garbage tank in the San Isidro neighborhood, in Old Havana, by a person who was looking for cans.

In that case, the minor's body appeared face down inside one of the characteristic tanks used to dump waste. Although it was said that he was a six-month-old baby, several residents in the area agreed on social networks that he was newborn and that he even had the umbilical cord.

According to the testimony of neighbors, the authorities managed to find the identity of the mother of the minor, barely 16 years old. He was pregnant at term, took abortifacients and was stillborn. The police never confirmed what happened on social networks, despite the fact that strong videos circulated that attested to the discovery.

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