Thalía to Tommy Mottola on their 23rd anniversary: "You are still the man of my dreams"

On their Instagram profiles, they both dedicated beautiful words to each other about the date and remembered their wedding day.

Thalía and Tommy Mottola are celebrating their anniversary this December 2nd. Twenty-three years is easy, but for the couple it has been more than two decades sharing the good and the bad, always putting love first.

On their Instagram profiles They both said beautiful words to each other regarding the date and they remembered their wedding day.

“23 years ago we said yes on that freezing night at St. Patrick's Cathedral in the heart of Manhattan. But the warmth of our love made it the warmest and most beautiful night to celebrate our union. “23 years after being married and 25 after knowing each otherYou are still the man of my dreams. I love you so much my beloved husband, friend, partner. Happy anniversary my love,” the singer wrote in her publication.

Along with the snapshots of their marriage, the singer added other more current ones in which they always appear smiling and hugging.

Tommy Mottola also dedicated a nice confession of love to his wife: “Happy anniversary Thalía! Wow another beautiful year. My love, my light, my companion! I love you more deeply every day my love! I love you forever”.

The American businessman shared a video with several photos of their spectacular wedding, in which Thalía looked truly beautiful in a stunning wedding dress.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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