Program director Lucas complains about the service at the Hotel Nacional: “They treat us like dogs”

Orlando Cruzata, director of the Lucas program, said that he was subjected to mistreatment at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba during a session of the 44th edition of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema.

Orlando Cruzata y Hotel Nacional de Cuba (Imagen de Referencia) © Facebook/Orlando Cruzata y Hotel Nacional de Cuba
Orlando Cruzata and Hotel Nacional de Cuba (Reference Image) Photo © Facebook/Orlando Cruzata and Hotel Nacional de Cuba

The director Orlando Cruzata, founder and head of the Lucas television program, reported on social networks the mistreatment he received during his visit to the National Hotel of Cuba on the occasion of the 44th edition of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, which takes place from December 8 to 17 in Havana.

“That's why they can't stand me,” Cruzata titled the small publication that appeared on his Facebook personal profile.

I love the Hotel Nacional, what consistency in the treatment... they do not fade even with film festivals, nor anything... I applaud them,” he wrote ironically and then attacked the tourist facility that is presumed to be the Hotel Líder de Cuba.

They always treat you like a dog, and this time they didn't let me down” Cruzata delved into what seems to be a recurring practice of the National of Cuba.

Facebook Capture/Orlando Los Lucas

Meanwhile, the television director explained that "they didn't even let me get close to seeing an activity of the Film Festival up close, another entity that treats us like dogs, but that cordial treatment of the Festival is not my goal, that is customary."

While normalizing a fact that is common within the service in Cuba: mistreatment. “Well, that's how it should be... Who tells us to believe things?”, he concluded.

In the comments section of the publication, Internet users raised their dissatisfactions about the mistreatment that Cubans receive at the Hotel Nacional and even shared some experiences.

Last year, Cuban Ricardo Acostarana reported on Facebook that he was denied entry to the Hotel Nacional, and indicated that it is a increasingly frequent discriminatory practice in Cuba.

For its part, to the director Orlando Cruzata, the management of Cuban Television excluded him, at the beginning of 2023, from the meeting to evaluate musical programs that is held every year.

Cruzata pointed out that he is not surprised to have been excluded, that they cannot stand it because in that assembly He usually expresses criticism, ideas and concerns about the work of that direction..

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