The United States approves economic fund to restore Hemingway's house in Cuba

The money will also be used to create a restoration center as well as for the maintenance and rescue of thousands of documents, manuscripts, letters and photos.

Interior de la casa del escritor Ernesto Hemingway en Cuba © Wikipedia
Interior of the house of the writer Ernesto Hemingway in Cuba Photo © Wikipedia

The United States government approved a fund of 25,000 dollars to restore the farm where the American writer lived Ernest Hemingway in Cuba.

The money will also be used for the creation of a restoration center, as well as the maintenance and rescue of thousands of documents, manuscripts, letters, photos and more than 9,000 copies of the writer's personal library, as reported this Monday by the Finca Vigía Foundation in a statement cited by the agency Which one.

"Supporting Finca Vigía represents our commitment to preserving the incalculable history and shared cultural heritage that links the United States and Cuba," Benjamin Ziff, chargé d'affaires of the US embassy on the island, highlighted in the press release.

Ziff added that The fund approved by the North American Government highlights the historical and cultural value that the house-museum represents for both Washington and Havana.

Frank Phillips, co-president of the Finca Vigía Foundation, highlighted that this fund is the first financial support from the United States Government for this purpose and that, therefore, it is "incredibly significant."

"Our hope is that the embassy's support can inspire others to contribute," Phillips added.

The American writer, baptized by Cubans as "Papa Hemingway", is very beloved on the island and especially in Havana, where he settled definitively at the end of the 1930s and is associated with well-known bars such as "El Floridita" and "La Bodeguita del Medio".

Located about 15 kilometers from Havana, the Vigía estate was the residence of the American writer for more than twenty years and became the Ernest Hemingway Museum after the writer's death, which occurred on July 2, 1961, when he committed suicide. shot with a hunting shotgun at his home in the state of Idaho.

At Finca Vigía, Hemingway spent almost half of his years as an active writer and in 1954 received the news of his Nobel Prize, which he dedicated to the Cuban people and gave as an offering to the Virgin of Charity, patron saint of the island.

After Hemingway's suicide, the Havana mansion was converted by the Cuban Government into the "Ernest Hemingway House Museum", which remains as the narrator left it when he left and houses more than 22,000 personal objects and documents donated by his widow Mary.

The extensive list of belongings also includes books, hunting trophies, records, weapons, stationery, photos, a typewriter, where he used to write standing up, and the yacht El Pilar, with which he went fishing and sailing at sea. Caribbean.

Every year the site attracts thousands of visitors interested in seeing firsthand how the author of Farewell to arms.

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