A man is fined for attacking a dog with a machete in Havana

The fact became known through complaints from animal activists on Facebook.

Perro (imagen referencial) © Cubadebate
Dog (reference image) Foto © Cubadebate

A man was fined in Havana after brutally murdering a dog with a machete, reported the National Center for Animal Health (CENASA).

In an informative note posted onFacebook The entity said that this act of animal abuse occurred in the Municipality of Regla and was known through complaints on social networks.

"Through social networks it was learned that the citizenRafael Fonseca Fonseca, a resident of the Municipality of Regla, Havana, was the author of an act of aggression against adog giving it several wounds with a machete, an issue that caused the death of the animal," the publication highlights.

Cenasa, in collaboration with the Municipal Agriculture Delegate and the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), carried out the analysis and actions in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law 31/2021 on Animal Welfare and on December 7 He fined the aggressor.

Publication inFacebook

In addition, he was issued an official warning and was given an educational talk as part of the corrective measures, the entity said.

Likewise, the note states that these events will not go unpunished and urges the population to take care andrespect the animals.

Despite this, Cuban animal activists have criticized that the measures to preventanimal abuse In Cuba they are inefficient and the fines are very low.

In this regard, CENASA stated that in a meeting with animal activists, with the National Association for the Protection of Animals and Plants (Aniplant), and with Minag authorities, they have raised the need to increase the rigor of the measures contained in the Decree and The modification of said norm has been proposed with the objective of applying more severe punishments in accordance with the seriousness of the violation committed.

Recently the community of animal protectors in Cuba asked for justice for a cat that was hunted by a man who claimed to have a "New Year's Eve dinner" guaranteed.

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