Seidy La Niña wants a statue in the Havana Capitol like Shakira's in Barranquilla

Don't miss the fun photo montage that the singer shared.

Seidy La Niña a lo Shakira © Seidy La Niña / Instagram
Seidy La Niña a la Shakira Photo © Seidy La Niña / Instagram

¡Seidy The Girl He also wants his statue Shakira! And for this the Cuban singer has used her imagination and sense of humor.

The artist shared on her social networks a fun photo montage in which you can see from one side the statue in tribute to Shakira that is raised in Barranquilla, Colombia, and on the other side a photo of Seidy La Niña outside the Capitol in Havana.

"Shakira has her statue in Barranquilla. I have mine in Havana," the young woman jokingly commented next to the post she uploaded to her Instagram account.

Shakira was honored on December 26 in her homeland of Barranquilla with a large statue that alludes to the famous dances that have characterized the artist for many years.

The event was held in the presence of her parents William Mebarak and Nidia Ripoll, who proudly attended and witnessed the moment on behalf of their famous daughter.

"On February 2, 1977, Barranquilla was born to the world: A heart that composes, hips that do not lie, an unmatched talent, a voice that moves masses and feet that march for the good of children and humanity," reads the plaque at the foot of the statue of the Colombian singer.

Will Seidy La Niña one day have her own statue in Cuba like Shakira does in Colombia?

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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