Patio of a house catches fire in Havana

The incident occurred in the vicinity of the Santa Amalia articulated bus stop, in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo.

Havana firefighters had to go to put out a fire that occurred in the patio of a home on Wednesday night.

The event occurred in the vicinity of the Santa Amalia articulated bus stop, in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality.

A resident in the area reported inFacebook the arrival of the second fire truck at the scene, while the sirens of others approaching could be heard.

Yohandy Aquilera Castillo, member of the group "BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!", explained that from afar a large ball of smoke could be seen, although the candle could not be seen.

Yohandy realized that one of the fire trucks had made a mistake and had crossed the street.

"He didn't enter through the block he was in; the flames, everything is still burning and they don't arrive, they are lost," he commented.

"How sad to start the year that way," he said.

The information does not specify whether there were victims or injuries, or material damage.

At the beginning of December, another domestic fire occurred in the Centro Habana municipality, butOn that occasion a woman did die.

The event occurred around 1:00 pm in a home located on Calle San José #519, between Lealtad and Campanario, in the Dragones popular council.

Although some attributed the incident to an explosion caused by a gas leak, neighbors of the victim, identified as Matilde, later assured that thewoman was going through "emotional situations" and that he had threatened to take his own life.

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