Several famous Cuban faces have become known inside and outside the borders of Cuba thanks to social networks, where they have hooked millions of people on their adventures by creating daily content and making their publications viral. Not an easy task for those who have turned social platforms into their source of income.
While some Cubans like Camila Cabello, Ana de Armas or William Levy, who accumulate millions of followers on social networks, have millions of followers for their profession, this is not the case of the following influencers that we are going to present to you. Cuban women who have forged their popularity on social networks thanks to creating content for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube or Facebook.
These are five of the most followed Cuban women on Instagram:
Why Ulloa
With 3.7 million followers, the Cuban influencer and actress shares her daily life and funny videos, many of them starring her character Tóxica, with which she has gone viral several times.
Sandra Cires
The Cuban Sandra Cires has 3.5 million followers in your Instagram counter.
The Hard
Diliamne Jouve, better known as La Dura, is one of the influencers most loved by the Cuban public. Jacob Forever's wife is over 2.4 million followers.
Lisandra Silva
The Cuban model and businesswoman, who is based in Chile, has more than 2 million followers.
Samantha Espineira
Samantha, who resides in Miami, has 1 million followers On Instagram. With his followers he shares content about his lifestyle.
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