This is how self-esteem is measured Cuban-style according to Daniela Reyes: "To reach this level you have to be born again"

Daniela Reyes shared a video with the song of the moment, "You have to be born again"

"You have to be born again" is the trendy song among Cubans and on social networks.Hundreds of TikTok and Instagram users have joined theirchallenge, and now it is Daniela Reyes who has not resisted making her own video with the popular song.

The Cuban influencer is aware of everything that happens on social platforms as the content creator that she is, and has not been overlookedthe success of the song by El Chulo, Wampi, Dany Ome, Kevincito El 13 and Lex White, which is killing it.

On her social networks she uploaded a video with the song, unleashing a shower of praise for her.

"In my country, self-esteem is heard like this," Daniela Reyes wrote about the video, before the part of the chorus that says: "To reach this level you have to be born again" is heard. All this while she poses for the camera in a pink jumpsuit, looking spectacular.

The young woman asked her Cuban followers to comment on the flag of their country, but among the dozens of flags that they left on the board we also found compliments such as: "Beauty takes pleasure in showing the divine creation of an angel on earth." ...Celestial Level", "And how hard one feels when listening to those songs" or "With as much beauty as not even having self-esteem in the nasa".

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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