A Cuban doctor is found dead in Ranchuelo, Villa Clara

The young woman had been reported missing since the morning of this Sunday, January 14.

La joven médico falleciida © Redes sociales
The deceased young doctor Photo © Social networks

The lifeless body of a Cuban doctor was found this Sunday under a bridge in the municipalityRanchuelo, in the province ofVilla Clara, according to reports on social networks.

The deceased, identified as Nataly Barrera Leyva, worked at the Marta Abreu polyclinic, in Santa Clara, andShe had been reported missing by her relatives since the morning of January 14.

Although the initial report indicated that the young woman had been murdered, the Internet user identified on networks as “Woody Alguacil Cubano” reported thatLater, a family source told him from Ranchuelo that it was an alleged suicide.

However, the investigation into what happened is underway.

Capture of Facebook/Woody Cuban Sheriff

“From what I saw and read, the girl was a doctor and became ill from her nerves. Last night he escaped from his home in the José Martí neighborhood of Santa Clara. The causes of death are not yet known. “Forensic medicine is carrying out the investigative process”, noted another Internet user in the comments section of the publication.

Raisa Barrera Reyes, the young woman's aunt, confirmed on her Facebook profile that the young woman “died,” thanking those who searched for her for the support, although she did not specify the cause of death.

Facebook Capture/Raysa Barrera Reyes

"Please, I ask you to let my niece rest in peace", Barrera Reyes wrote hours later, apparently overwhelmed by the number of comments on networks that primarily pointed to the murder as the cause of death, and in general to the repercussion of the event on dates where the increase in crime in Cuba has become a daily news.

Facebook Capture/Raysa Barrera Reyes

In the last few hours, dozens of Internet users - some of them former patients of the doctor -They have reacted with dismay and regret to the death of the health professional, whom many agree in describing as "noble", "decent" and "good girl". She was an only child.

“The doctor's funeral will take place this Monday at 9:00 a.m., starting from the Las Villas funeral home,” reiterated Internet user Ricardo Domínguez through Facebook.

Facebook Capture/Ricardo Domínguez

This new sad event adds to aunfortunate list of tragic events that they keep inshock to the Cubans.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other confirmed data regarding the death of Nataly Barrera Leyva.

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