Cuban-American missing in Mayabeque found dead

“I only ask that your death does not go unpunished and that they pay with the death they deserve, because this has no forgiveness from God. "They ended our lives."

La víctima, © Collage Redes sociales
The victim, Photo © Collage Social networks

Relatives of Yorjelguis Bolaños Fernández, whosince January 7 he was missing in Madruga, Mayabeque province, confirmed on social networks the discovery of the lifeless body of the Cuban-American.

Saray Calvo Marrero, the deceased's partner, said goodbye to him with a heartfelt message on Facebook in which she asked for justice and evoked the relationship she and her partner had.

"My little one, I will never forget you. This brand is for a lifetime. I was more than your wife, everything, it was you and me against the world. Together everywhere," he began by saying in the emotional text, which was accompanied by a photographic montage.

“I only ask that your death does not go unpunished and that they pay with the death they deserve, because this has no forgiveness from God. "They ended our lives.", concluded Saray Calvo.

Facebook capture/Saray Calvo Marrero

The message published byAylen Fundora, a source close to the family, who kept reporting very actively on social networks about the case from the beginning.

“And this is the moment when many of our hearts break, those who loved you, your family, those of us who appreciated you... This moment when this heartbreaking news reaches us and confirms that you are no longer among us because some murderers were more affected by greed than a human life.", the young woman began saying.

“You don't know how we are going to miss you: with your witticisms, your laughter and even your bad temper. You have left a mark on all of us who had the joy of working with you and knowing you. Thank you for all the advice you once gave me,” Fundora added.

In the final segment of his message, The young woman asked that the full weight of the law fall on the culprits because “they have left children without their father and a mother without her son and with a broken heart.”

Facebook Capture/Aylen Fundora

Although so far no official details have been released about the discovery of the body, an unofficial version circulates on social networks thatpoint to whatThe body was allegedly found buried in the vicinity of the Institute of Animal Science (ICA).

This version - spread by YouTuber Niover Licea - suggests that the victim was slit and received two stab wounds.

Regarding those responsible for the incident, in recent days the official Facebook profile “Fuerza del Pueblo Mayabeque”referred whatThere were three people imprisoned, including a woman, and they were waiting to capture the last of the perpetrators. of the then alleged murder, since the body had not been found.

Capture of Facebook/Mayabeque People's Force

According to the photo of those imprisoned published by the official profile, one of the people who remains in prison for the case is Dayani Vega Rodríguez, who worked for the victim at some point and was close to the family.

Three people who are arrested in connection with the case, according to an official source

Vega Rodríguez even shared on her social networks on January 10 one of the requests for help to find Yorjelguis.

Facebook screenshot/Dayani Vega Rodríguez

According to Niover Licea's story - citing sources familiar with the case - the woman had a ticket to travel to Nicaragua, but her trip was frustrated when she was arrested on Saturday, January 13.

The aforementioned source also pointed out that the partner of Dayani Vega Rodríguez, the fourth implicated in the case, would have been detained in the last hours in Guanabo, in Havana, something that has not been confirmed so far.

In recent days, avideo that showed the moment when an expert checked a car dismantled car found last Sunday in Havana, which turned out to be the victim's striking blue Chevrolet.

It was on January 14 when they went viral on social networksphotos of the car, a blue "almendrón" that appeared dismantled in a garage in Reparto Carolina, in the Havana municipality of San Miguel del Padrón.

Although it was a hard blow for those who thought that the Cuban would appear alive, it allowed them to maintain hope for a miracle, something that unfortunately has not happened after the discovery of the body was confirmed.

Bolaños Fernández resided in Texas, United States, and was visiting the country at the time of his disappearance. He was staying at his mother's house in the Madruga municipality. Born on January 3, 1983, Yorjelguis had just turned 41 when he was last seen.

It left on Sunday, January 7 at 9:00 pm and from 11 p.m. From that same day his family did not hear from him again. His cell phone had been turned off since then.

Yorjelguis Bolaños was the father of three children, one boy and two girls. The youngest is just four years old. Relatives of the Cuban-American even announced the delivery of $3,000 for "credible signs of life."

Reports of Cubans missing are becoming more frequent in recent months, as well as the publication of requests for help through social networks to obtain information, in the midst of a context of growing violence in the country.

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