For the first time, Cuba will take female boxers to the pre-Olympic tournament

Legnis Calá (57 kg) and Yakelin Stornell (66 kg) will be the representatives of Cuba in the Boxing Pre-Olympic that will take place in Italy.

I Torneo Nacional Femenino de Boxeo © Facebook/JIT Deporte Cubano
I National Women's Boxing Tournament Photo © Facebook/JIT Cuban Sports

For the first time sinceestablished the official practice of Women's Boxing in the country, the Cuban government will send two athletes to compete in the Pre-Olympic tournament that will be hosted by the Italian city of Busto Arsizio, from February 29 to March 12, qualifying for the Paris Olympic Games.

The selected ones areLegnis Calá (57 kg) andYakelin Stornell (66 kg), according to the technical head of Cuban women's boxing, Santiago Suárez, in the Rafael Trejo room in Havana, which hosted the I National Women's Boxing Tournament for four days.

The coach announced that the two selected teams will travel to Germany on February 14 to carry out a training base, and then they will move to Italy, according to the agency.France 24.

The two boxers have just won the titles of their respective divisions in the women's boxing championship without any setbacks.

“They were very good here. Before that they will go to Germany for a training base. This has been a good Championship. I congratulate all of them because they have made history and for their performance,” Suárez told the digital portal.JIT.

The two Cuban representatives have in their record the recent silver medals, in the case of Calá and the bronze of Stornell, on that occasion in the 75 kg, of theXXIV Central American and Caribbean Games of San Salvador 2023.

The Pre-Olympic will deliver two tickets for Paris-2024 in the 57 kg and four in 66 kg.

Regarding the I National Women's Boxing Tournament, there were 36 boxers who appeared, with Santiago de Cuba (2-1-1), Havana (2-1-0), and Villa Clara (1-1-1) , occupying the first positions.

In December 2022,Cuba held the first official women's boxing poster with the presence of 12 boxers.

“We have seen athletes with good physique, but they lack tactics and technique. We can resolve that in the seven months that separate us from the Central American Games,” he said on that occasion.Alberto Puig de la Barca, president of the Cuban Boxing Federation.

During the celebration of the fifth ALBA Games, between April 21 and 29,five people from Guantanamo and one from the capital were in charge of the international premiere of Cuban women's boxing in the Venezuelan state of La Guaira.

At the event, the CubanArianne Imbert (66 kg) defeated Mayerling Brandon, from Nicaragua, in a historic victory for Cuban women's boxing, becoming the first to triumph in a contest outside the island.

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