They ask for blood donations for a Cuban girl with leukemia admitted to the Santa Clara hospital

The girl needs blood type B or AB. She suffers from acute lymphoid leukemia and has been operated on five times for hydrocephalus.

Lorena Puentes Arencibia © Facebook / PROYECTO DORCAS / Yuleisy Romero Luis
Lorena Puentes Arencibia Photo © Facebook / DORCAS PROJECT / Yuleisy Romero Luis

A Cuban girl of just eight years old is admitted to intensive care and needs blood donations becausesuffers from acute lymphocytic leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

The DORCAS Project explained in itsFacebook that the minor, calledLorena Puentes Arencibia, is at the Santa Clara Children's Hospital andyou need type B or AB blood.

The girl had arelapse of the central nervous system and has been operated on five times for hydrocephalus.

Facebook screenshot / DORCAS PROJECT / Yuleisy Romero Luis

"Please, we ask everyone who can donate blood," he said.Yuleisy Romero Luis, author of the post.

Last week, Cuban activist Yamilka Lafita, known asLara Crofs inFacebook, asked for help for a urology patient who underwent emergency surgery.

The patient was admitted to the Freyre de Andrade Hospital (Emergency), in Central Havana, and needed type O+ blood.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

Blood is scarce in Cuban hospitals, so it is increasingly common to see requests for help of this type on social networks.

In December, the activistDiasniurka Salcedo Verdecia He made an urgent appeal for the life of the six-year-old girl who, like little Lorena, suffers from acute myeloid leukemia.

"Our little Sofi is undergoing chemo, needing B+ donors for platelets," he explained then.

Months earlier, Salcedo presented the case of a six-year-old boy who suffers from spinal aplasia - a disease in which the red bone marrow disappears and stops producing red and white blood cells and platelets - who neededA+ blood donations to begin chemotherapy treatment in the pediatric hospital by Marianao Juan Manuel Márquez.

The urgency of this essential medical supply has led some desperate people to propose money in exchange for a donation for their loved ones.

"I pay it at any price, it is for a pregnant woman about to give birth or die"requested a young man who in August asked for help on social networks to find an O negative blood donation.

TheBlood shortage in Cuba is due to factors such as lack of donors, the decrease in the organization of campaigns and the weakened infrastructure in charge of managing the process.

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