Chucho Valdés, Paquito D'Rivera and Arturo Sandoval fill the theater in Miami with a tribute to Irakere

Francisco Pancho Céspedes will also accompany them in this presentation as a guest.

Chucho Valdés, Paquito D'Rivera y Arturo Sandoval © Instagram de los artistas
Chucho Valdés, Paquito D'Rivera and Arturo Sandoval Photo © Instagram of the artists

Chucho Valdés, Paquito D'Rivera and Arturo Sandoval will star in atribute to iraqere next February 9 at the Arsht Center in Miami.

There are still several days left until the presentation, butall tickets are already sold and the public who attends will be able to enjoy a luxury concert.

"Dreams come true! Happy to announce thatafter 40 years of not playing togetherPaquito D'Rivera, Arturo Sandoval and I will meet to pay tribute to the project that revolutionized Cuban music to this day,” Chucho Valdés shared on his Instagram when announcing the concert.

You cannot talk about the history of Cuban music without Irakere and it is very comforting to know that many generations around the planet are the product of our contribution,” said the renowned musician.

This Thursday, Chucho published on that same social network: “First of all I want to thank you becausethe Miami concert is sold out. On the other hand, I want to tell you that our friend Francisco Pancho Céspedes will also be invited to this great evening. I can not be happier".

In recent times Chucho Valdés and Paquito D'Rivera have been working together and They toured Europe.

Last yearthey won the Latin Grammy for Best Latin Jazz Album por su disco I Missed You Too!, junto a Reunion Sextet.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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