Dry ponds due to lack of water at Sancti Spíritus Zoo

The user who made the complaint on social networks said that the resources that are most needed are called: responsibility, empathy and heart.

Cocodrilos y Tortugas en Zoológico de Sancti Spíritus © Facebook/Litileidys Izquierdo
Crocodiles and Turtles at Sancti Spíritus Zoo Photo © Facebook/Litileidys Izquierdo

Another citizen complaint through social networks about the situation experienced by the animals from the zoo of Sancti Spíritus It adds to the recurring criticism of the population for the state of impoverishment in which the animals survive.

This time the user Litileidys Izquierdo on the social network Facebook spoke on behalf of a friend who, according to what she said, had visited said facility and came away saddened due to the lack of water that animals such as crocodiles and turtles had.

“In the morning today a friend visited the Zoo in our city and her distraction and recreation very quickly turned into frustration and concern, since When he reached the crocodile and jicoteas ponds he was able to see that they had not had a drop of water for several days.“said the Internet user in the group.”S. O. S. Streetmen Sancti Spirits”.

Capture of Facebook/Litileidys Izquierdo

The complainant added that her friend went “very concerned” to some workers at the place who very calmly asked her “that They receive water through pipes and the ponds of these poor animals have problems retaining the liquid.”.

Faced with this fact, the woman asked herself if “Will this situation be so difficult to resolve?"oh and"Will so many material resources be needed?”.

However, she herself resorted to answers that, despite being obvious, still represent the reality of the context of scarcity and impoverishment of values that Cuban society experiences.

"I think that The resource that is most needed is called responsibility, empathy and heart"We know that water is essential for life, but we must keep in mind that these two species need it even more, since it is part of their habitat," he expressed in the publication.

However, he added that if it was "necessary to wait for these two species to die due to the lack of the precious liquid and then start racing to solve the problem, where is the animal welfare law?" He concluded by expressing his intention that the publication went viral to conscientiously call all officials who must respond for the quality of life of the animals in that zoo.

less than a month ago, the director of that facility, Taimí Mencia Venegas, he acknowledged to the official newspaper Escambray that for this “small difficulty” of water, there is no short-term solution in sight.

“The state of health of the animal mass is very good, the only thing we have a small difficulty with is water. The zoo today has no water. We are advocating for relevant institutions to come to a study. Today we have very good economic solvency to assume a new water connection,” the official justified.

The Sancti Spiritus zoo began a remodeling in 2022 that will end in 2025, through a local development project with an investment of six million pesos and, according to Escambray, “should promptly improve the well-being of the animals that inhabit that site.”

Until now, as part of the restoration, only the façade, which had not been intervened since the 1960s, was transformed and a sculpture with the installation's logo - a spotted hyena - was added at the entrance. In addition, the playground was painted and became an open park.

A year ago, Internet user Yuri Fernández expressed in a publication in Facebook the sadness that overwhelmed him when he observed the abandoned conditions of the animals in the Sancti Spiritus zoo. “Someday we will have to apologize, but I don't think that will be enough.", said.

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