Brazil will inaugurate mixed animal feed factory in Cuba

Pig and poultry farming on the island will benefit.

The Brazilian government will inaugurate a feed factory in Cuba that aims to benefit pig and poultry farming on the island.

The industry will open at the end of February when the raw materials arrive in the country, the official newspaper reported.Granma.

The joint company is made up of the Brazilian Bioamazonas Pienso S.A. and the Sociedad Mercantil Ganadería S.A., directed by the Cuban María Dolores Rivero Díaz.

The directive explained that in principle only feed for poultry and pigs will be produced, but it is expected in the future to be able to guarantee food for other animals, and increase production volumes.

It also plans to provide raw materials, inputs and other components of the animal feed logistics chain to pork and poultry producers, who for years have faced a serious crisis in feeding their animals.

The first shipment of raw materials will arrive on the island at the end of February, and with this the production of feed will begin.

The alliance aims to put the company at its maximum production capacity – 50 tons per hour.feed factory from Cienfuegos.

Last year the Cuban regime said that it wanted to “recover feed production,” but the lack of inputs caused delays in the assembly of the largest animal feed factory in the country, located in Santiago de Cuba, and of which only 10% executed since its construction began in 2019.

In provinces like Las Tunas, pork production almost disappeared in recent years after producers surrendered their licenses due to lack of food to feed the animals.

Thepork mass was reduced alarmingly in recent years, to the point that in 2022 the government only had 6,839 pigs in the entire province.

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