Daniela Reyes travels to Cuba

Cuban influencer Daniela Reyes flies back to Havana after months living in Cancun.

Daniela Reyes is back in Cuba! More than six months after moving to Cancun, the 26-year-old YouTuber flies back to her native country.

This was confirmed by herself on her Instagram profile, where she posted some photos from the airport of the Mexican city, confirming that their destination is Havana. In addition, in his stories he also posted videos of his flight to Cuba.

Daniela Reyes moved to Mexico in the summer of last year after her breakup with Yomil Hidalgo. A new life for the young Cuban, who continues focused on her career in the world of social networks. On Instagram alone he is about to reach one million followers.

To the news that she is returning to Cuba, her Instagram followers reacted with joy and happiness: "The Queen is back home," "Back for the return trip," "I'm glad you're coming to Cuba," "Back, congratulations" or "The Queen in Cubaaa again". In addition, there are many who mentioned the reggaeton singer Yomil.

Daniela Reyes viaja a Cuba
Capture Instagram

For now, the influencer has not clarified what her trip to Cuba is about, but it is certain that the young woman will enjoy the days she is in Havana reconnecting with her family after this time away.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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