Yulién Oviedo continues to provoke La Diosa and attacks her with a photo mocking her look

"How ugly to see a man continue with these antics," a follower commented.

Yulién Oviedo provoca a La Diosa © Yulien Oviedo / La Diosa / Instagram
Yulién Oviedo provokes The Goddess Photo © Yulien Oviedo / La Diosa / Instagram

Everything seems to indicate thatYulien Oviedo has no intention of ending his controversy withThe goddess and continues to use social networks to continue provoking the singer.

After several days of peace after both dedicated 'tiradera' songs to each other in which they exchanged strong words, now it has been Yulién Oviedo who has decided to throw another poisoned dart at the artist full of mockery.

To do this, Yulién Oviedo used a recent photograph of La Diosa and edited it with his face and added the following comment:"February 14 is approaching and Paquita from the neighborhood knows it".

Although some have chosen to laugh at the singer's photographic montage, other followers, however, have called him immature and tired for continuing to provoke The Goddess and use her image to mock and create more controversy.

"That's why you fall badly, because you throw away every push that you don't even laugh at, you miserable bastard", "They took the finger off you a while ago and you continue, every day pushing harder", "How ugly to see a man continue in those antics" ", "So stupid. Start making music, you liar, and stop the scam. That's slowing you down" or "What a drag, stop that, focus on your career," are some of the comments that can be read in the post.

The disagreements between La Diosa and Yulién Oviedo began when the singer commented on a publication onCyberCuba in which the singer was talked about.

In said post, the singer compared the artist to a Pepto-Bismol bottle and also made comments against her children.

The Goddess responded with her version of the singer's song called"The Yaris" and days later Yulién Oviedo launched"Slide for The Goddess".

What do you think?


Filed in:

Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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