Judge denies bail to manager Boris Arencibia due to risk of flight to Cuba

Arencibia was arrested a couple of weeks ago by the FBI, for an alleged case of money laundering.

The Cuban music manager and promoterBoris Arencibia, recently arrested by the FBI for an alleged money laundering case, will not be released on bail following the decision of a federal judge who sees a flight risk due to his ties to Cuba.

The judgeLauren Louis, after an extensive hearing in the Miami court, ruled that Arencibia must remain behind bars until his trial takes place.

Arrested at the end of January at his residence in Kendall, Arencibia is known for his business work, as well as for organizing theSanta Maria Music Fest in Cuba that generated controversy due to its possible financial connections with the Cuban regime.

The manager is 50 years old, and has been accused of being involved in the distribution of drugs used in psychiatric, cancer and HIV treatments, of illicit origin, in an operation that amounts to millions of dollars.

Sandra Santana, the manager's wife, has reacted to the news by sharing moving videos on her social networks, where she shows Arencibia as an excellent lover and perfect family man.

During the hearing, aspects ofthe life of Arencibia that the prosecution and defense considered relevant to determine the possibility of granting bail or not.

His role in the aforementioned music festival was highlighted, as well as othertrips to cuba that Arencibia carried out in 1998 and 2016, the latter of which was without the required legal documentation.

Another point of contention between the parties was Arencibia's participation infights in Miami bars in 2018 and 2023, although he was not convicted in those incidents.

HeDeputy Prosecutor Frank Tamen He also stated that Arencibia organized a festival in Puerto Rico, in which he allegedly raised funds for the legal defense of a known drug trafficker. In addition, the prosecution points out that the manager could try to obstruct justice by threatening witnesses.

Arencibia is the president ofCaribe Promotions Inc.. He has gained notoriety in artistic circles and in the Cuban community, due to his business activity and his implicit association with the regime through cultural events.

His business career has ranged from promoting boxers and musicians, including boxer Guillermo Rigondeaux, to organizing highly relevant events.

Judge Louis' decision not to grant bail is based on aseries of charges which include conspiracy to supply adulterated and false brand medicines, conspiracy to traffic in medical products with false documentation. In addition to laundering around $400,000 of income from the illegal scheme.

The arrest and accusations against Arencibia have generated a whirlwind of reactions on social networks, with followers and critics of the businessman waiting for any development.

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