Neighbors meeting! Tahimí Alvariño shares a photo with Yomil: "Joy to see you again"

Tahimí Alvariño and Yomil Hidalgo met by chance and did not hesitate to immortalize it for their followers.

It is being a week of meeting for Tahimí Alvariño on their social networks. Although a few days ago he surprised withsome photos with Ana de Armas, who was visiting Cuba, now the Cuban actress shared a snapshot with a famous urban music artist: Yomil Hidalgo.

The two famous Cubans met in their neighborhood, and it turns out that Tahimí and Yomil are neighbors!

This was revealed by the Cuban actress when sharing the photo with the reggaeton singer."When you are in the neighborhood and you meet your neighbor Yomil. Joy to see you again. Blessings", wrote the interpreter next to theselfie, in which the two appear smiling posing for the camera.

We remember that this is not the first time that we have seenTahimí Alvariño and Yomil, who worked together a few years ago. Specifically in the video clip of the remix of "Quisiera tener", in which he participated in the reggaeton and which featured a special performance by the Cuban actress.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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