Young Cuban impresses by singing like José José

Cuban Elioveliz Pérez Romero, 22, impresses online with his version of "Almohada" by José José

A young 22-year-old Cuban has managed to capture attention through his social networks with his impressive voice. His interpretation of the song "Almohada", one of the hits of Jose jose, has moved netizens due to his great talent.

Social networks are, without a doubt, a place where you can bring your talent closer to other people in other parts of the world, as is the case of the Cuban Elioveliz Pérez Romero, who with his singing videos has captured the attention of other users who applaud his talent.

"Ufff, proud of the talent of my Cubans," "You have one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.", "Tremendous talent, congratulations", "It's not like I was listening to José José. Super, super. I loved it", "The new star of Cuba, we will talk in a couple of years", "He sings so well and so similar that it seems like he is dubbing. This is talent, a person who truly deserves support and popularity," said some comments next to the video, in which shows the young man's talent to sing almost like José José himself

Some even dared to comment that he is the reincarnation of the late Mexican singer.

Despite the shower of praise that the Cuban received on his Instagram profile, other pages when sharing the video received messages saying that Elioveliz was dubbing. However, on other social networks there are several videos of him that prove that it is his voice that can be heard in the videos.

In fact, on his Facebook profile he has videos singing songs by José José and also other singers, demonstrating the great talent for music he has.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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