Imaray Ulloa celebrates her boyfriend's 50th birthday in style: This was the spectacular party with a performance by Aymée Nuviola

Imaray Ulloa celebrates his partner's 50th anniversary with an unforgettable party

Turning 50 is not something that happens every day, and to celebrate such a round number, The actress and influencer Imaray Ulloa celebrated the birthday of her boyfriend, the surgeon Fabián Fontaine, in style., who was the main protagonist of a party that none of his guests will forget.

The Cuban couple surrounded themselves with all their loved ones and friends in a great party to share with them the new age of Fabián Fontaine. An appointment that was not missed the live music, the dances, a spectacular cake and the love shown by the protagonists of the party, who looked most in love and lovey-dovey during the celebration.

Thanks to the stories that Imaray uploaded on their Instagram profile, we were able to witness how much they and the guests enjoyed this party, which featured a private performance by the Cuban singer Aymée Nuviola, who made everyone dance with her songs and her deliciousness.

In the images we could also see the guests dancing and enjoying this fantastic evening in which the cake was a creation by Divine Delicacies Cakes, the company of Laura, Osmani García's wife.

Without a doubt, an incredible meeting to remember that did not lack detail and that is surely the best welcome letter for the sixth decade of life of the Cuban surgeon.


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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