Very cold in Cuba: The lowest temperatures of the season for the second consecutive day

Municipalities in the province of Mayabeque recorded the lowest temperatures.

Personas caminando muy abrigadas por la calle L, en El Vedado (Imagen de referencia) © Cibercuba
People walking very sheltered on L Street, in El Vedado (Reference image) Photo © Cibercuba

In the early hours of this Thursday "the monkey whistled again in Cuba", repeating for the second consecutive day as the coldest day of the current winter season, as confirmed by the Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET).

The lowest value and absolute record as the lowest temperature were the 5 degrees Celsius recorded in the town of Bainoa, in the province of Mayabeque.

INSMET specified that nationwide a total of 51 meteorological stations recorded temperature values below 14 degrees Celsius.

Of those 51 stations, in 18 the temperatures were below 10 degrees Celsius, especially in territories of the Havana-Matanzas plain.

In addition to the 5 Bainoa degrees, the remaining lowest values were the following:

Applied5.8 (Mayabeque); Indian Hatuey6.1 (Matanzas); Colon6.9 (Matanzas); Bauta7.0 (Sagebrush); Jagüey Grande7.2 (Matanzas); Melena del Sur 8 (Mayabeque); Güines 8.2 (Mayabeque); Batabanó (8.2); Passenger Waterfall 8.3; Nueva Gerona 8.5 (Island of Youth); Jovellanos 8.9 (Matanzas); Paso Real de San Diego 8.9 (Pinar del Río).

In the range between 9 and 10 degrees Celsius were: Gran Piedra9.2 (Santiago de Cuba); Santo Domingo 9.4 (Villa Clara); Güira de Mane 9.5 (Artemisa); Isabel Rubio 9.6 (Pinar del Río); Fault 9.7 (Ciego de Ávila).

For this Thursday the Institute of Meteorology predicted sun and few clouds in much of the country, with very little rain.

Maximum daytime temperatures will be between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius in the west and center, reaching 28 degrees Celsius in the eastern region, and higher in some locations in the south.

At night temperatures will be between 13 and 16 degrees Celsius in the west and center, between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius in the eastern region.

The winds will be variable and weak and from the afternoon they will blow between the northeast and the east in the center and east, with speeds between 10 and 25 kilometers per hour. There will be little surf on the north eastern coast. On the rest of the coasts there will be calm seas.

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