They prohibit the import of plants and plant products in Cuba

The regime assures that it intends to safeguard Cuban agriculture from external diseases and pests.

Aduana de Cuba © Cubadebate
Cuban Customs Foto © Cubadebate

The Cuban government approved new regulations for theimport of plants and plant products, in an effort to protect the island from possible foreign diseases and pests.

Resolution 27-2024 of the Ministry of Agriculture was published in theOfficial Gazette of February 21. The regime ensures that the objective of the regulation is to protect the national flora from phytosanitary damage.

Under the new guidelines, the entry of multiple regulated items is restricted unless they comply with strict control measures.

Among these are the species oflive plants and parts,seeds, flores and cut foliage; food products in their natural or semi-processed form such asgrain, fruits andvegetables; feed and fodder;Forest products; packaging likely to carry pests;land, microorganisms, and others.

The directorate responsible for authorizing imports will be the Directorate of Plant Health of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Specifically, inspectors at the points of entry into the country are responsible for authorizing the entry of non-commercial items, as long as their phytosanitary status allows it and their origins are approved.

Some products suitable for human consumption, such astea, chamomile and dried fruits processed in sealed containers, as well as wooden craft items, may enter the country under certain conditions.

In addition, it is established that persons or entities interested in importing provide detailed information and request permission in advance.

Cuban importers, whether natural or legal persons, must guarantee compliance with storage and conservation regulations, to maintain phytosanitary standards.

Any import approved under this regulation will be subject to inspection and laboratory analysis upon arrival in the country. Failure to comply with the established requirements will lead to the prohibition of the entry of the products into the country.

This new resolution repeals previous regulations and establishes validity 60 calendar days after its publication. Likewise, importers will be responsible for the expenses derived from disinfection actions or any necessary measures when the items do not comply with the standards.

The government indicated that these changes represent an important step for the protection of Cuba's biodiversity and ensuring the health of its agricultural sector, vital for the country's economy.

In January the government also imposed health restrictions forimport of products of animal origin. If these measures are not followed, travelers arriving on the island could suffer unexpected seizures at the country's airports.

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