Another chapter of theoffensive unleashed by the regime under the false pretext of combating illegalities, corruption and the diversion of “the people's” resources into private hands was opened this Monday when the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR), the Internal Audit System and the Prosecutor's Office joined the investigative bodies of the Ministry of the Interior to investigate Commerce and Gastronomy companies.
According to what they declared through the communist newspaperGranma, the fraudulent alteration of the balance between retail sales, the cash deposited in the Bank after the end of each day and the cash in hand pending to be deposited caused such a lack of liquidity that payment commitments with suppliers and contributions to suppliers were not met. territorial budgets, thus affecting programs and services to the population.
The forensic audits yielded less than encouraging results, taking into account that this is not the first time that these types of problems have been classified, nor did they arise before yesterday, nor have there been any lack of calls for attention of all kinds to state bodies to take action in the matter. issue, but in a creative, constructive and non-destructive way, as if it bombed without leaving anything in its wake to later build new projects with the same basic problems.
With the aim of gaining the support of public opinion, increasingly despairing of the power of change coming from the state levels, the fiscal control bodies place among the main reasons for the status quo in the commerce and gastronomy units "superficiality and lack of research in the selection process of those who occupy key positions in the management and control of resources.”
Following the outdated tendency to bet everything on control and not on development, to support work on weak reliability instead of building a sense of belonging and to co-opt any attempt at change if it is not approved by the higher body, the authorities continue to blame “manifest negligence in the custody of material and financial resources, in the tolerance of indiscipline and violations of legal provisions.”
With total hypocrisy, the newspaper "denounces" that "the lack of transparency in the implementation of self-control, the ineffectiveness of supervisory actions at different administrative levels (...) encourages and favors unscrupulous people, associated with criminal chains, to appropriate for profit of raw materials and merchandise that the Government allocates to feeding the population.”
Unfortunately, instead of analyzing the different ways to improve logistics and, by extension, the offer of the Commerce and Gastronomy units, paying a little more attention to the employees who on most occasions wear worn and dirty uniforms, without the approved means of protection to ensure hygiene and food safety.
For no Cuban it is strange to experience negligence and indifference in the attention of the employees of the Commerce and Gastronomy units. In addition to low salaries, not at all in line with the structural economic changes imposed by the regime, the lack of attention and aging of the premises, the relaxation in the care of hygienic-sanitary standards are some of the reasons why the possibility of “search” is the only reason why someone intends to work in a cafeteria or an ice cream parlor in the State.
In contrast, in the new private businesses, the prices are inaccessible to ordinary Cubans, but the attention is careful, the cleanliness of the bathrooms is a pleasure, the quality of the offering is more than acceptable and there is never a lack of smile or concern. so that the vessels are shiny and a cockroach is not discovered walking between trays or tables.
However, the communist party is only interested in detecting when “retail sales are declared to comply with the marketing values approved in the Mercantile Circulation Plan, which are not related to the cash deposited in the bank for sales,” which which causes “million-dollar losses to the country.”
Gaps in the internal control procedure, diversion of resources intended for the people, undue enrichment, unscrupulous people, criminal chains, evaluation of the conduct of cadres, investigation process, key positions in resource management are terms that say nothing about a a problem that could have been solved a long time ago if from the State, instead of threats and judicial condemnations, there had come freshness and the true will to move forward, to develop for the good of the majority.
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