Uncle speaks of missing three-year-old girl in Havana

"We keep hope," says the man whose sister, the girl's mother, was found dead in Cojímar.

La menor que permanece en paradero desconocido © Collage redes sociales
The minor who remains missing Photo © Collage social networks

Arseni Moliner, uncle ofa three-year-old girl who is missing in Havana and brother of the minor's mother, Teresa Moliner, who was found dead near the coast in Cojímar, He does not lose hope of finding his little niece safe and sound., as revealed in statements to14 September.

"Right now there is an active police search and we are also trying to investigate as much as we can on our part. We have published about the disappearance on Facebook and asked people for help to spread the word about the situation and try to find someone who found them. seen and can give us a clue," Moliner told the aforementioned media.

Regarding the discovery on Monday, February 26, of the body of her sister, Teresa Moliner Bosa, 24, said thatThey do not know if his death was due to natural causes or murder, as the police have not provided that information to the family.

"We buried her yesterday in the Regla cemetery, and when we saw the body, we observed that her face was quite bruised and she did not have her belongings on her and her mobile phone is still missing. We do not know what happened to her," he said.

The woman left with the little girl on Sunday, February 25, from her parents' house, in the Bahía district, heading to Cojímar, both towns in the Habana del Este municipality. Since thenThey had no further news of them.

Another family source told the aforementioned media that they are worried about the girl's health, because she has allergy problems and suffers from severe asthma attacks.

The family has disclosedthe following phone numbers so that anyone with information about the girl's whereabouts can contact: 58385107, 53161904, 59040389 and 51976232.

"Please, the family is desperate. Her name is Lali Paola. If you have children, think about the suffering of us, the family," Arseni Moliner pleaded in the original publication on the subject, whose publication was private and forced it to go viral. on networks a screenshot of his text.

Facebook capture/Arseni Moliner

So far there are no more details about the circumstances in which the girl disappeared nor about the discovery of the body of the minor's mother.

Official media have not commented so far on the case, which adds to the growing wave of citizen insecurity that afflicts the country.

Reports of disappearances of Cubans have become more frequent in recent months, as well as the publication of requests for help through social networks to obtain information, in the midst of a context of growing violence in the country.

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