"Copiloto", by Charly & Johayron, exceeds 3 million views on YouTube

The figure was reached before the first month on the platform was over.

Charly & Johayron en videoclip de "Copiloto" © Youtube / Planeta Records
Charly & Johayron in video clip for "Copiloto" Photo © Youtube / Planeta Records

Charly & Johayron celebrated through the stories from his Instagram account the three million on YouTube from one of his latest releases, "Copiloto".

The figure was achieved shortly before four weeks on the video platform.

Instagram stories / Charly & Johayron

On their social networks, the self-proclaimed "the pencils" continue to share their joy and gratitude for the good reception that their fans have given to their first tour of the United States, whose golden closing will take place on April 6 at the James L. Miami Knight Center.

"He who wants to improve himself does not see obstacles, he sees dreams," they said two days ago when inviting their audience not to miss the event.

But the love and support of his fans is palpable not only in the reception they give to his new songs or the sold outs of their presentations but also with the enthusiastic reactions to their previews that immediately begin to add views and videos on social networks.

This has happened with "Don't get stung", of which they gave a fragment a few days ago along with the call to learn the corridors of choreography. Heard and done by his fans, who have not hesitated to dare to upload reels and videos to the rhythm of the topic.

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