Heydy González, proud of her Princess Galilea: "Once again her school's honor roll"

"Once again my princess fills us with joy"

Heydy González con Galilea en ceremonia de cuadro de honor de diciembre pasado © Instagram / Heydy González
Heydy González with Galilea at the honor roll ceremony last December Photo © Instagram / Heydy González

Heydy Gonzalez celebrated the academic achievement of his daughter Galilea, elected "once again from her school's honor roll."

Through thestories From her Instagram account, the Cuban actress gave the good news to her followers: "once again my princess fills me with joy."

This time the ceremony will be doubly sweet because in addition to the joy of seeing the recognition of the girl's efforts, she will be able to experience it with her grandparents.

"This time the whole family will go and applaud," he added when sharing an image of the school's call for the event, which will take place on March 19.

Instagram stories / Heydy González

Last Monday, February 12, Heydy made her dream come true by welcoming her parents and mother-in-law to Miami.

After more than a year waiting for the reunionthe family was together again.

"We are now complete. God's timing is perfect," he said on his social networks, where he then showed how these first times together are going and the joys of coexistence, ascome home and have "lunch made" or celebrate everyone's 9th birthday.

The love and pride she feels for her daughter Galilea, 'Hidroelia' has also left evidence on digital platforms, where she has celebrated the previous occasions in which the girl has been chosen for her school's honor roll, as happened last December .

"Having a daughter like you is a privilege. Accompanying you in life is a gift and a source of daily pride. Waking up every morning knowing that we have you is our greatest blessing. Congratulations once again for being an excellent student. We love you very much," he said on that occasion along with photos of the school ceremony.

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