They report that a missing Cuban girl and her baby were seen on the way to Havana

The family is worried because they think the young woman could be with the child's father against her will.

Joven madre cubana y su hijo, que permanecen en paradero desconocido © Collage Facebook/
Young Cuban mother and her son, whose whereabouts remain unknown Photo © Collage Facebook/

Rut Natalia Benítez Rodríguez, a young Cuban from the Holguín town ofGuaro, inMayari, who has been missing with her six-month-old baby for several days, would have been seen on a trip to Havana in the company of the child's father, as revealed on Facebook by a family source.

"A girl wrote to me that she saw them on the way to Havana with the child's father on Wednesday in a truck. She says that she was going, they were supposedly fine. God allow us to know where they are located soon to see them with our own eyes. She has not yet communicated with any of us, that is, we do not have confirmation from her that tells us that she is there and that she is fine," Sarai Padilla, who identified herself as the sister of the missing young woman, wrote on Facebook.

"They have already sent them into circulation, according to what my mother told me, let's continue sharing to find their whereabouts here in Havana and see that they are out of danger," Padilla added.

The sister of theyoung woman who is missing sent a message to the minor's father, whoThe family suspects that he may be holding the young woman against her will.

"Call me, tell me where she is so I can go see her and the child. She knows my number, I just want to see that they are okay and talk to her to find out what happened. She has us all worried," says the message, addressed

Facebook Capture/Sarai Padilla

In the comments section Sarai Padilla stressed that she will not stop untilhis sister tells him through her own mouth and in front of him that she is fine with her son and that she wants to be with her ex-partner, who has been identified as Ernesto Javier Espinoza Mañe.

"If he thought we wouldn't look for her, he was wrong," he concluded.

In another previous publication Padilla indicated thatThe last time they heard from their sister she had left her mother's house, she was on her way to Mayarí and the boy's father accompanied her "to help her with the briefcase."

"They saw him with her at the Guaro intersection to get a car but he never got to where he was going... When my mother asked him if he had taken anything yet, he told her yes, that he had called her and told her that he was going for Juan Vicente, that he had given him a phone number to call her but that he had told him not to give it to anyone else, not even my mother, which we found strange because she always calls when she goes out and apart If she doesn't have a phone, how do you explain that he called her and that she told him that? To what phone if she doesn't have one?" he questioned.

Padilla also said that the young woman's ex-partner had commented among her acquaintances that "He had her in a place where he was not going to say where she was until he sold some equipment to take her and the child to Havana."

The woman questioned that, despite the fact that the disappearance was reported, the authorities have not called the child's father to inquire about the young woman's whereabouts.

"He was the last person she was with, I don't know if he said all that to mislead us and not look for her or I don't know for what purpose, but he is wrong... we are going to look for her until we know about her.... We just want to find them and know that they are okay, it has been more than 4 days since we have heard from them.

Facebook Capture/Sarai Padilla

Anyone with any information can contact the telephone numbers 50155029 or the landline +5324596628.

In statements toCyberCuba A source who is in contact with the mother of the missing young woman explained that the family is very worried because in the past she was a victim of gender violence and is afraid of it.

"Thirty-two days after giving birth, he hit her and threatened my youngest son with cutting off his head if he intervened," said the mother.

She also stated that these incidents of abuse were reported to the police and that even though her daughter is a minor, the authorities did not pay attention to her complaints.

It is the case that Ernesto Javier Espinoza Mañe He is an informant for the DTI of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and was one of the men presented as "terrorists" in Mayarí by the regime's spokesperson, Humberto López, in a television program broadcast in April 2021 to defend the Government Communication Law Cuban.

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