David Calzado shows his home in Havana: "A little bit of my humble house so you can see how nice I live"

Stop by and see a piece of the home of the director of Charanga Habanera.

The Cuban musicianDavid Calzado, director of the famous popular dance music orchestraHabanera Charanga, has shared a video in the stories section of the Instagram account dedicated to the group in which he has shown a little piece of his house in Havana.

In the audiovisual we can see the artist accompanied by some of his singers and a Peruvian friend, who is visiting Cuba and they are showing the island so that he "knows the beauty of our homeland."

"We are in a special moment because we are walking through Havana, we are in Cubita la Bella, in the City of Havana and we have a great Peruvian friend who we are taking around the country so that he can discover the beauty of our homeland"David Calzado first commented.

At the end of the video, the musician made reference to the fact that he is a lover of the island and that he would like his audience to know where he lives and what his "territories" are, which is why he wanted to show a small piece of the residence that he owns in the Cuban capital.

"Charanga Habanera demonstrating that we are not only lovers of Peru and that we are also lovers of Cuba, where we live, this is an international orchestra and of course here we are demonstrating where we live and what our territories are. Then at the end I am going to show you "My humble house, a little bit of my humble house so that you can realize how beautifully I live.", he added.

As can be seen in the small fragment of the material, David Calzado's home is characterized by having a fairly minimalist decoration composed of light and brown tones.

A piano, a white sofa, a Louis XVI style chair, a painting with his image and contrasts of brick walls, are some of the elements that characterize the house of the director of Charanga Habanera.

What do you think of his style?

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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