Pure fire! Daniela Reyes earns the praise of her fans by posing in lingerie

Cuban influencer Daniela Reyes captivates her Instagram followers with a series of photos in lingerie

Daniela Reyes © Instagram / Daniela Reyes
Daniela Reyes Photo © Instagram / Daniela Reyes

WhatDaniela Reyes is one of the most beloved Cuban influencers of social networks is not a secret to anyone. The 26-year-old has taken it upon herself to gain the warmth of her audience and good proof of this is her almost million followers, whom she has made fall in love with some high-voltage poses.

The YouTuber shared a series of photos posing in lingerie, specifically a black lace bra that she combined with an ecru satin skirt. Some snapshots in which Daniela Reyes's great body stands out, as she once again managed to capture the attention of her Instagram followers.

"Continue believing that there is a God who straightens my aim...", she commented at the bottom of the snapshots, in which she exudes sensuality with lingerie.

Thelikes They have rained down on the young woman, as have the dozens of compliments that her fans have given her. Some of the messages they left him are:"I need this girl to represent Cuba in Miss Grand International", "A queen from head to toe", "Speechless in the face of so much beauty", "Beauty and personality in one", "Beautiful for Yomil", "Elegance is innate in you. Blessings Dani" or"You were born to shine".

It should be noted that there is also the occasional mention of Yomil Hidalgo, with whom it is suspected that he has reconciled due to an image that the Cuban reggaeton singer uploaded to his social networks. In the midst of these rumors, the young woman returned to visit Cuba after being on the island just a few weeks ago. What will be happening between them?

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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