Puerto Rican elderly woman in Miami turns 110 and tells her secret

"I need to go to Puerto Rico again," confesses the old woman.

Julia Siragusa, an elderly woman of Puerto Rican origin residing in Florida, arrived this March 11 at 110 years of age.

The old woman's birth certificate confirms that He was born in 1914 in Morovis, a town located on the northern slope of the Central Mountain Range of Puerto Rico.

“I am happy with this birthday… I remember my life… Oh, so many good things!”, he said in statements to Telemundo 51 the old woman, who retains a lot of lucidity and good health despite her advanced age.

“I found myself a good man, got married and had a happy life. I have no complaints, because when a marriage respects each other, it lives well,” commented the old woman.

After highlighting the importance of mutual respect in marriage, he laughs and remembers the small disputes that strengthened their union in the long run.

“He said 'this is it, this is it'...but when I didn't want him to go, I said 'no, not this',” the old woman remembers with a laugh.

Julia Siragusa maintains the desire to return to visit her country of origin.

“I need to go to Puerto Rico again. I have not been there in a while. Since I was born there, I love my people," he expresses nostalgically about what he considers a pending dream.

The old woman seems to have the secret of a long and full life clear: a good marriage, a cheerful character and companionship.

"Laugh, have good friends and always be happy," he concluded with conviction.

When Silvia Socarrás, the old woman's caretaker, is questioned about the secret of the old woman's vitality and longevity, she answers that it is joy and good character.

“The character... She is always happy. “I think that helps a lot to live,” he said.

In September 2023, Camilo García, born in Cuba in 1919, celebrated his 104th birthday in Miami of life, surrounded by family and friends and in excellent health.

In that case, when asked about the formula to live so many years, his recommendation was also concise: "That they do not fight and that they have only one wife."

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