Micha shows off his beautiful family with an adorable pose with his wife and children

The most tender family pose in El Micha with his wife and children

El Micha con su familia © Instagram / El Micha
Micha with his family Photo © Instagram / El Micha

The life of Michael Sierra Miranda, better known by his stage nameThe Micha, made a change of one hundred and eighty degrees when His wife Ana María and their children Dylan and Amanda arrived in Miami two years ago. A dream come true for the Cuban singer who is dedicated to enjoying his beautiful family in the United States and making up for lost time with them after so much time apart.

The urban music artist is making us complicit in this beautiful stage he is experiencing on his social networks, where we have seen him spending great moments with his family. In fact, he recently revealed that he and his wife bought a house in the City of the Sun. A home in which they can enjoy and create beautiful memories with their children together.

And after breaking this great news, Ana María Daniel and El Micha published on their Instagram profiles a nice photo of the whole family. An image that the fans of the Cuban singer received with great effusiveness by clicking the buttonlike on the social network.

Capture Instagram

In the comments, which are limited in this publication, they sent blessings and congratulations for the beautiful family they formed with their two children.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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