Behind the scenes in "Vivir del Cuento": The new episodes of the comedy are recorded

According to Luis Silva, the recordings will continue for several weeks.

The recordings of the new episodes of Live the story and part of the troop of the most popular comedian on Cuban television shared images of what is happening behind the scenes these days.

In his Instagram stories the actor Marlon Pijuán, Isidoro in the program, shared a video from that set so well known to Cubans, which is Pánfilo's house.

Capture Instagram / Marlon Pijuán

Marlon also published a photo with the youngest of this family, the boy Pablito, which we have already seen in previous seasons.

Capture Instagram / Marlon Pijuán

The actress Belissa Cruz, who joined the cast in 2022, uploaded several photos to his stories during filming.

Instagram capture / Belissa Cruz

“Happy and blessed with this family,” she wrote in one of her publications that Luis Silva He replied on his Instagram, in which he took the opportunity to announce that They will be recording for several weeks.

Capture Instagram / Luis Silva

Since Silva announced that they were preparing a new season, the Cuban public is waiting for each update, but the release date is still unknown.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment