Five reasons to watch "Taxitherapy": Don't miss the craziest consultations from a psychoanalyst

Ramoncitín Veloz is the protagonist of this PRONYR TV series.

These days the platformPRONY TV conquer the public withTaxi therapy, a super fun series in which you will find the craziest and most outlandish stories.

After losing his job as a psychoanalyst and seeing his life hit rock bottom, Ramiro has no choice but to become a taxi driver to continue earning a living. However,It will not be just any taxi driver, but one who offers consultations while taking passengers to their destinations.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

Family Comedy

If something characterizes this family comedy, it is that it is abouta series suitable for all types of audiences. In the midst of the family crisis that triggers Ramiro's loss of work and his wife's demands that he not be doing nothing at home, it is the couple's daughter who finds the solution.

In a world where social networks and virtuality capture the attention of many, this young woman's idea is to create an application calledTaxi therapy in whichClients will be able to request a taxi to get around and at the same time receive therapies about their daily problems.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

Fun Characters

Each episode features different characters and cases hand in hand with these patients to whom Ramiro offers solutions in his taxi.

From a young man who has resorted to masturbation for seven years and now faces disappointment in love, a man with erectile dysfunction who only manages to get excited when it rains and there is bad weather, to a couple whose problem lies in the extremely small size of the penis. of the man who lives tormented by mockery; You will find this and more in the chapters of the series.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

Cuban Talent

In addition to the actions ofRamoncitín Veloz in the role of Ramiro and Dianelys Brito as his wife, Taxi therapy It features the participation of several luxury Cuban artists.

Gelliset Valdes, Rafael (Felito) Lahera, Brian Valdes, Victor Jose Rojas, Lily Bergues, Ernesto Molina, Maurice Casin, among others, are some of the well-known actors and influencers who bring this psychoanalyst's patients to life.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

They all have the mission of making the audience laugh while telling the most witty and dramatic stories of their lives to which they find no solution.

Directed by Tony Salup

Along with a tremendous cast of artists,Taxi therapyIt also has a major league production team starting with the direction ofTony Salup, the famous director of “Case Closed”.

Orlando Fundichely, who currently works as an actor and producer, is in charge of the general production of the series, andAlejandro Robles He is the screenwriter.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

Available on PRONYR TV

If these four reasons encourage you to watch the series, one more is that it is available to everyone on PRONYR TV, you just have todownload the app of this platform and live the experience.

"When Tim has Tim, it's worth it", "If lemons fall from the sky", "My life is a tattoo", "Water is not denied to anyone", "Size does matter", "Your smell kills me" honey", "Your Wifi warms me up" and "Run away from bread that catches your tooth" are theeight chapters ofTaxi therapy that are already available.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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