La Dura supports the protests and calls for the freedom of Cuba: "All communists have to leave power"

The influencer used her social networks to call for the end of the dictatorship and support the protests of March 17.

The influencer Diliamne Jouve, better known as La Dura, was one of the recognized faces of Cuban entertainment who showed his support for the demonstrations that took place in Cuba on Sunday, March 17.

Jacob Forever's wife spoke out in favor of the demonstrations through her Instagram profile, where she has more than 3 million followers.

Along with a video of the protests, the Cuban content creator and businesswoman wrote:"What the people are asking for is a change and for that change to happen all communists have to get out of power, this is the way to get the message across to them, taking to the streets. For a free Cuba".

Instagram screenshot

In this way, La Dura joins the list of Cuban personalities who have raised their voices to call for the end of the dictatorship and freedom for the Cuban people, who this Sunday, March 17, came out to protest the blackouts and food shortages. .

Señorita Dayana, Eduardo Antonio, Osmani García, Yotuel Romero, Alexander Delgado or Randy Malcom, are just some of the famous Cubans who also spoke out in favor of the protests on their networks.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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