Emotional reunion of a Cuban with her mother on the island: "My pillow knows how long I waited for this"

Viral video on TikTok shows a Cuban woman surprising her mother with an emotional return home.

A new surprise reunion between a Cuban and her mother are exciting on TikTok. A beautiful moment shared by the user @jailasanchez, who posted the video that shows the scene in which she arrives home, where her mother cannot contain her emotion at seeing her daughter after a long time without seeing her.

As soon as they see each other, mother and daughter melt into a warm embrace before giving way to the tears of the woman, who cannot believe that her daughter is back in Cuba.

"My pillow knows how long I waited for this", wrote the young Cuban, the protagonist of this beautiful surprise, when sharing this beautiful scene, which is moving Cubans from other parts of the world.

"Me crying for strangers", "I dream of that moment", "Mom's hugs heal the soul", "Someday it will come true for me too", "Congratulations, what a beautiful moment" or "Me crying because every day I imagine in that situation", are some of the comments that are read along with the beautiful video.

The emotion conveyed by the reunions of Cuban emigrants with their families transcends the screen and there are thousands of netizens who view this type of content on TikTok, turning these videos into viral ones.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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