Maydy La Grande reacts to Charly and Johayron's controversy: "The stupid person, even if he is famous, is still stupid"

The Cuban duo received a barrage of criticism for not responding when asked about the protests in Cuba.

Charly y Johayron They are in the eye of the hurricanenot wanting to talk about the recent protests in Cuba when the Cuban youtuber Dayanoti asked them about it during an interview they gave him. This has caused a shower of reactions on social networks and one of the Cuban artists who has spoken out about it has beenMaydy La Grande.

The moment of the interview was shared on the account ofun_martitodurako8_live_oficial where the Cuban singer, along with other Internet users, expressed their opinion about the duo's reaction to the question of the protests.

"Oh godfather, life is like that. Those are the artists that the majority of Cubans support. But nothing, don't worry, after this they release a song for Cuba, they say Patria y Vida and that's it. Cleaned of dust and straw. The Cuban "He has a short memory and it is unfortunate. Let's remember, family, that a stupid person, even if he is famous, is still stupid and he who does not empathize and is hurt by what happens to his Cuban brother on the island does not deserve any type of admiration and respect.", expressed Maydy La Grande.

Maydy La Grande reacciona a polemica de Charly y Johayron
Instagram screenshot

In addition to Maydy's opinion, there are other comments that were positioned against and in favor.

"Charly mocked the pain of his own people in the face. That was unnecessary. How bad it turned out, that was not the way. What little ethics and professionalism and not to mention the manager", "I dropped two idols, no longer They deserve the support of any Cuban", "Regardless of whether they wanted to respond or not because they are free to do what they want, what kind of idiot is this Charly. My respects to Johayron who knew how to be more polite and respectful" or "For this. love of God, they are not capable enough to see that what Carlos did was an antics, yes, but it was not a mockery of the situation in the country but rather of the camera, as something to deflect the tension of the moment," are some of the opinions that are read about this moment.

Faced with this rain of criticism, Carlos Coronado, popularly known as Charly, defended himself on social networks."No one disrespected anyone, the faces I made at the camera made me think that he was not filming, that it was all a joke because it was the first thing we said to him," explained the Cuban singer.

In another video that they posted on their Instagram account, they also came out to stand up for the controversy.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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