Parents regret that a book is worth as much as a month's salary in Cuba

At the 32nd International Book Fair in Santiago de Cuba, the price of children's books ranged between 1,000 and 5,000 pesos each, a figure that makes children's literature a prohibitive product for children.

Precios exorbitantes en la Feria del Libro ponen los textos fuera del alcance de los padres © Collage Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Exorbitant prices at the Book Fair put texts out of parents' reach Photo © Collage Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The 32nd International Book Fair, which ends this Sunday in Santiago de Cuba, once again left the bitter taste of the high prices of texts when a copy costs the equivalent of a monthly salary, many parents lamented.

The communicator Yosmany Mayeta Labrada published a mother's indignant message who, when taking his son to the stands of the literary event, preferred not to buy any copies because of the high prices.

“This message is just to tell you that these are the unit prices for the Children's Book Fair. "That one month's salary for us parents is approximately what a book is worth," the woman denounced.

Captura de Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta

In the images it is observed that the prices of the texts range between 1,000, 2,000 and up to 5,000 pesos. Furthermore, the majority are copies printed by foreign publishers.

“It is the madness of the century that a book costs what I spend 24 days to collect, what madness, look if I get bristled,” commented a person named Ana María Rosabal Hernández.

Yasmani Miranda, in a joking manner, said: “But come here, those characters know how to cook, clean and even glue jars to be able to cost that much.”

“I remember when I was a child, when there was a Book Fair, how much joy the children had for the Heredia theater. With 100 pesos that my parents gave me, I had to come with several books to read and color,” said user Gema Jlo.

Laura Valdez responded: “That's right, and it hurts to take the children and not be able to buy them one because of the high prices they have.”

“Honestly, right now I have my doubts that this is the book fair here in Cuba,” said Lizandra Lozano Amador. “It's the first time I've seen books with that quality and with those themes that can be seen in the photos. Books like The little Prince, which, being a librarian, I have only managed to see it in a super small format and very poor in illustrations.”

Mayelin Revilla Sánchez also said: “If we buy books we don't have breakfast, not to mention we won't eat anything.”

“Ahh but what's wrong, I didn't see Mafalda's wonderful book there for 9 thousand pesos. All thanks to our wonderful leaders, to our gods with ideas that only harm the people,” commented Anara Gondin Rodríguez.

During the Havana chapter of the Book Fair, Cuban youtuber Rosy Wanderlust also denounced the high prices of editorial productions and office supplies, in addition to the shortage evidenced by empty shelves and immense queues.

But the sad reality of book prices is not new. In 2023, Cuban mothers They warned that the prices at the Havana Book Fair seemed like those of Dubai, when the copies cost more than 2,500 pesos.

That same year, Cubans disappointed with the cultural event pointed out that The works of the popular British author J. K. Rowling were sold at the exorbitant price of 5,000 pesos and a deluxe edition of Harry Potter at 9,600 pesos.

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