Dianelys Brito to Arturo Sandoval: "Thank you for being one of the greatest pride of Cubans"

He coincided with him a few days ago during the musician's interview for La Casa de Maka.

Dianelys Brito con Arturo Sandoval y Felito Lahera © Instagram / Dianelys Brito
Dianelys Brito with Arthur Sandoval and Felito Lahera Photo © Instagram / Dianelys Brito

The beloved Cuban actress Dianelys Brito He shared with his followers on social networks his joy at having had the opportunity to be close and shareArturo Sandoval.

From the meeting, which took place regarding the interview that the famous musician gave toMaka's House, shared some videos and photos, in which the actor also appearsFelito Lahera.

"You don't always have the opportunity to be so close to a tremendous musician and, above all, to a person as special as Arturo Sandoval," Dianelys said in the post shared a day ago, where she thanked the trumpeter for "telling us your story." of life in Maka's House".

"Thank you for being one of the greatest pride of Cubans. We are happy to have enjoyed you!!", he closed the post that provoked comments and reactions from his followers.

"The best Mr. Arturo Sandoval and congratulations, blessings to all"; "I really enjoyed the program the day Arturo Sandoval was on. The best"; "Tremendous program, I enjoyed it a lot because I never thought that this great talent was such a simple and clear person"; "The best of the best"; "I loved that guest, very talkative and 100% anti-communist," some told him.

In the interview, which occurred earlier this month, Sandoval told, among other anecdotes of his life, from the creation of Irakere to when he was imprisoned in Havana or what the Cuban regime had done to his parents on the island when they He was prevented from legally leaving the country, despite having a visa to reunite with his son in the United States. Months later, they fled the island in a boat.

A few days ago, after the protests in Cuba, both Dianelys Brito and Arturo Saldoval were among the artists who sent a message of support to their compatriots.

"Cuba has been suffering from a dictatorship for more than 65 years. It is horrible and oppresses the people to the last. The demonstrations give us hope that all is not lost.The people of Cuba are reacting and this is the only way to get out"said the musician on his social networks, where he asked the people not to give up in their fight for full freedom.

“The people of Cuba have taken to the streets in several provinces of the country demanding change, asking for freedom and shouting that they are hungry. An entire country is dying of hunger and need!Cuba can't take it anymore"Brito added through thestories, in a message where he defended that the change was now.

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