Response to the regime on Good Friday: Church in El Vedado makes procession in silence

The regime prohibited the Holy Week procession through the streets of El Vedado, presumably as a punishment to the parish priest.

TheSacred Heart of Jesus Church in El Vedado carried out a unique procession thisHoly Friday, in silence and in the parish courtyard, because the regime prohibited them from going out into the streets.

Last week the Cuban government in an official statementbanned this Catholic community from El Vedado carry out the Santo Entierro procession, an activity that is part of Holy Week.

Facebook Pedro Luis García

HeHoly Friday Several people shared images on social networks of the mass in the church, which was very crowded. The userPedro Luis Garcia He said they witnessed a "hijacked procession."

"Faith did not prevent the parishioners from carrying out the procession through the inner courtyard of the Church after the prohibition by the authorities. It took place in silence in the afternoon, and before the eyes of foreign press correspondents based in Cuba," Garcia said.

The priestLester Rafael Zayas Díaz, asked the community to maintain calm, discipline, and in silence they made the procession in the parish patio this Good Friday, with all the ceremonies that it entails.

The priest had previously explained that the government's decision to deny this activity is due to the fact that the authorities do not agree with his homilies.

Facebook Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

He recalled that denying the procession as punishment to a parish priest is absurd, and constitutes a violation of religious freedom.

Father's MassLester Rafael Zayas Díaz This Friday he touched on various topics, but in particular he referred to the love of Cuban mothers who pray to God for their children who are far from the island and face adversity.

Zayas has emphasized on several occasions that heHe is not "a political priest". However, he assures that he cannot avoid touching on issues of Cuban reality in his masses, because it is in reality where God is found.

Facebook Holy Church Cathedral San Eugenio de La Palma

Other Cuban churches were able to celebrate their processions on Good Friday. Parishioners took to the streets in neighborhoods such as Old Havana, in towns such as Alquizar or Ciego de Ávila.

Facebook Diosvany Yera

The regime maintains control to limit or persecute the public expression of faith, especially when the civic sphere or public space is involved.

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