"Living the Cuban lie", the famous youtubers Mateo & Lisanna recount experiences in Cuba

The young people have more than a million followers on YouTube.

Mateo and Lisanna, a coupleinfluencers who travels the world and has more than a million followers on his channel.Youtube, arrived in Havana this week to reveal to the world what they call "The Cuban Lie."

In the first chapter of three, published on Monday, they narrate their arrival on the island, the 48th country they have visited, and present daily life in Old Havana, where illegality and street businesses constantly touch the tourist experience.

After 20 hours of flying on three planes, the young people, Mateo Pomba from Argentina and his girlfriend Lisanna, from Estonia, say that they entered the country without immigration problems, and stayed in an Airbnb near the historic center.

They describe the currency exchange in a context of devaluation of the national currency and inflation, and they show their tourist experience, in vintage cars that take them to the emblematic places of the city such as the Plaza de la Revolución and the Havana Forest; by pedicab and walking through the cobblestone streets of the Cathedral, the Bodeguita del Medio and the Plaza de Armas.

Street vendors, craft businesses and even the illegal sale of cigars are part of the experience.

At the end of the first part they conclude that the city has moved them, they highlighted the warmth of the people in the street and the climate, but they recognize that on the first day they cannot speak from any other place than from their position as tourists, in a city where it is difficult to break through the complex social fabric marked by poverty.

Mateo Pomba arrived in Estonia in 2021, and there he met Lisanna, a native of that country, through a language exchange application. The couple is about to complete fifty countries visited and have more than a million followers on YouTube.

They said that they really wanted to get to know Havana, its old cars and its traditions.

The Cuban regime maintains its hopesput in tourism for the country's recovery, but the truth is that this item has been affected by low demand attributed to the economic crisis that the Caribbean nation is going through, the political situation and the travel restrictions imposed by some nations.

Tourists do not escape the setbacks of the national reality and even violence. This Tuesday in Santiago de Cuba a foreigner was assaulted in the middle of the street to steal an electric motorcycle.

The majority of Cubans live in poverty, and face the daily challenge of food shortages and inflation.

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