After a year, Anuel AA reunites with the daughter he has with Yailin in the Dominican Republic

Anuel AA, happy for his long-awaited reunion with Cattleya, his daughter with Yailin

Anuel AA I couldn't be happier to be in the Dominican Republic. The Puerto Rican artist was the surprise guest at Ozuna's concert in the Caribbean country, a very special visit in which he alsowill share with his daughter Cattleya, the result of the relationship he had with Yailin La Más Viral.

During an interview he gave to Alofoke, the "China" singer could not help but express his excitement at being reunited with the youngest of his daughters, Cattleya, who turned one year old last month.

"I'm very happy right now, here's my daughter, she's around. I'm happy because I'm going to see her now."said the reggaeton artist during the interview, thus confirming that during his visit to the Dominican Republic he will spend time with the minor.

It should be remembered that the singer revealed a few months ago that he had only been with Cattleya during her birth. After the little girl's arrival into the world, he and his mother had public disagreements.

In addition to Cattleya, Anuel is also the father of Pablo Anuel, the result of the relationship he had with Astrid Cuevas, and Gianella, daughter of Melissa Vallencilla.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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