A young woman residing in Hialeah and identified as Lisandra Santana was accused of fabricating a vehicle accident to collect insurance and medical therapies.
The channelUnivision reported that the woman is under arrest and this Tuesday appeared in court in Miami-Dade accused of vehicle insurance fraud.
Santana would have fabricated an accident on October 17 near Doral.
He then reported false injuries and demanded money for various fabricated medical therapies.
However, police discovered that the woman had manually removed the airbag and smashed it with a knife after they failed to open with the impact of the crash.
In 2022 they were alsoFive people arrested for defrauding two insurance companies for more than $58,000, according to the office of Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis.
Yulisa Del Carmen Diaz, Malouly Moreira Rodriguez, Gonzala Ramos Delgado, Yarisel Rodriguez Garcia and Camilo Leon FernandezThey participated in a scam that consisted of staging a car accident in Miami-Dade and charging for non-existent medical services.
These cases are usually frequent. On February 14, a married couple appeared in court.elderly people identified as Pedro Orlando López (76 years old) and Tobías Herrada (75), accused of making fraudulent claims to the insurance company GEICO Insurance.
The alleged accident dates back to May 22, 2022, the date on which Tobías Herrada was involved in a crash without major damage at the intersection of 49th Street and 17th Avenue in West Hialeah.
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