Cuban couple enjoy their first car a few days after arriving in the US.

Less than a month after being in the United States, a Cuban couple showed off their first car and shared the joy with family and friends.

A Cuban couple who arrived in the United States less than a month ago enjoys the joy of that moment of personal fulfillment that is having their first car.

A photo shared on the wall of Facebook by Mabele Amelia Padilla Martínez shows her mother and her partner, both next to a white car.

Facebook Capture/Mabele Amelia Padilla Martinez

“Twenty-six days after being here they have their first car,” wrote the young woman, who celebrated that important moment in the lives of emigrants that is getting a first car.

Padilla thanked the people who lived with her for her mother's arrival on American soil, less than a month ago, and published a message of encouragement to all her followers who aspire to a better future: “WANTING is POWER.”

Facebook Capture/Mabele Amelia Padilla Martinez

The publication was widely commented on with congratulatory messages from people who share the joy of mother and daughter being together, and also the achievement of the woman and her partner having a car.

The first car in the lives of Cuban emigrants is synonymous with progress, mobility, independence, and above all, it offers the possibility of getting good jobs.

For this reason, another couple who arrived in the United States also shared the achievement of having a car in less than a year.

The man surprised the girl, who cried excitedly when she saw a Volkswagen adorned with a large red bow parked in front of her house.

Also a young Cuban He bought his first car as soon as he had the papers., after living for a year and a half in Miami.

“Since I arrived I was focused, working, saving to improve myself, and a year later, when I got my papers, a few days later I was able to buy my car, with effort, with sacrifice,” he told TikToker Dairon Cano, while proudly pointing out his car. Nissan Sentra, white.

“It's not a big deal, but it's what I make money with, and it's simply so that Cubans know that with effort, sacrifice and dedication, you can achieve everything you want,” he added, while emphasizing that he is going for further.

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