Romina, daughter of Niurka Marcos, opens OnlyFans: "I have my financial needs"

Niurka Marcos reacts to her daughter Romina's OnlyFans

With the support of his family and especially that of his mother Niurka Marcos, Romina made the decision to open her channel on the OnlyFans platform. A controversial determination that is giving a lot of talk and that the young woman has spoken about during an interview with Influencer Magazine.

The daughter of the Cuban star decided to explore this new avenue to earn money after they talked about the subject at a family meal, she explained.

"One day we were eating in Mérida and suddenly my sister-in-law told me 'why don't you get yours now?' I think if I hadn't done it before it was because I was afraid of criticism, but now that I've released it no one has said anything and many people didn't know, I haven't even been there for a month."Romina told Influencer Magazine

"It is a way of investing because like everyone I need to get ahead and pay an income. I am not that different, I also have my financial needs", added the young actress, thus explaining the reason behind her decision to open her own account on the adult content platform.

In this new adventure she is fully supported by Niurka Marcos.

"How can I support her? Just telling her: 'Daughter, very good, they are your decisions. Live your adventures. Face your experiences in the same responsible way, but don't stop living your adventures, which is what I have done and she has sucked and learned", responded the Cuban star when asked about her daughter's decision.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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