Premiere! Seidy La Niña and Harryson release the video clip for "Qué bonito"

Seidy La Niña and Harryson cover a children's song with "Qué bonito"

To brighten up this first Friday in April, some of our favorite artists released new songs to warm up their engines for this summer. One of the Cuban singers that could not be missing from the list of musical news this Friday isSeidy La Niña, who has joined Harryson to delight us with "How Beautiful", a happy song and good vibes that is inspired by a children's song.

To accompany the release of "Qué bonito", the two Cuban artists presenteda colorful video clip to give even more projection to this song, which promises to sound a lot...

In the images of the video clip, available on Seidy La Niña's YouTube channel, the mulatica appears dancing and having fun with children while unleashing her best movements.

Here we leave you the children's song that "How Beautiful" is inspired:

What do you think?


Filed in:

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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