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Otto Ortiz returns to Cuba after a month in Spain: "Everything is boring here"

Comedian Otto Ortiz was working in Spain for a month but said he was desperate to return to Cuba because he misses the lines and inflation.

The Cuban comedianOtto Ortiz He got tired of not working in Spain, where he said life is very boring, and decided to return to his native country to enjoy the long lines and high prices.

In the European nation, where he traveled with atravel insurance purchased from the controversial National Insurance Company (ESEN) from Cuba, Ortiz shared the stage with his colleagues Michel Pentón and Marcos García during the month that the tour lasted.

The decision to return to Cuba took comedian Jorge Díaz by surprise, who asked Ortiz if he was sure he wanted to do it, to which Ortiz responded: “I'm bored asere.”

"You go out to look for something and there it is, you tell the girl: 'I'm going to look for milk', five minutes brother," he explained in a video published on his profile.Instagram.

Ortiz said that he misses the Cuban reality, the neighborhood and its people. “At home I say I'm going to get milk, I spend two days on the street and nothing happens. And you get in a line, and you meet people, and you make friends. “I have played dominoes in a queue,” he said.

Comedian,which always reflects the current Cuban crisis from a biting and ironic humor, assured that there is no greater pleasure than eating an egg from a carton worth 3,000 something thousand pesos.

“Analyze that you are also going there,” he said ironically to the comedian Díaz, who resides in Spain.

Finally, Ortiz assured that he not only returned to Cuba, but that he also took everything with him, at the same time that he showed his bulky luggage, alluding to emigrants who, when they return to visit their homeland, carry everything they can carry.

Already back in Cuba, the comedianposted a video where he explained that he spent a month in Spain but that he felt a great need to return to his homeland.

However, with only 15 hours of being in the Caribbean nation, he showed a long line of cars and said that he was already crazy about leaving for Spain again.

Ortiz usually criticizes the regime on the island and its inefficient management to resolve the crisis that affects the people.

Recently,showed his indignation against the official space the Round Table by dedicating a broadcast to praise and propagandize about insurance in Cuba.

Ortiz, who on several occasions has pointed outthe poor service of the National Insurance Company, questioned: “They lied blatantly, they lied publicly, lying is already a way of life. And everyone knows it, those who speak lie and those who listen and do not ask assume the lie. Where was Cuban journalism?"

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